I say that there are way too many problems... Here they are:
- Problem-Gossip breaks up too many friendships. Contributing Factors-Friends are not willing to keep their mouths shut when someone says something discriminating towards someone else, especially another friend. I mean, come on, it even states in the Bible that, "A gossip breaks a confidence but a trustworthy man keeps a secret." Another contributing factor to gossip is the lack of the ability to say no. Some people just don't know when enough is enough.
- Problem-Procrastinators are effecting others who don't procrastinate. Contributing Factors-They choose friends how aren't procrastinators because they know that unlike themself, they can count on someone who will not let them down. :) Because of this, they are letting the other person down though. Procrastinators carefree attitude causes the other anti-procrastinators to think that it's okay to procrastinate. The end result isn't happy.
- Problem-As children get older, most get more direspectful to their parents or guardians. Contributing Factors-Kids get smarter as they get older and in their teens they especially test their boundaries. Either that or they just don't care or respect those boundaries as much as they used to. Even with teacher, students feel they have the right to express themselves just as much as their teacher because they will soon become like the teacher. [an adult] in the eyes of students. Kids disrepect teachers, therefore feeling like they can treat their rents the same or vice-versa.
Now to the real part of my assignment. Those were just problems I have noticed and felt the need to voice I guess. :) But here's the real assigment:
- Kayla's dilemna: Problem-She differs in opinion on where she wants to do as a profession with her parents opinion. She does not want to offend then though. Contributing Factors-She has probably had an experience where she has offended her parents by not doing what they wanting and is fearing she will not get their respect or money to pay for it.
- Mark's issues:Problem-Mark and computers just don't get along and he needs to learn how to use one to pursue his dream in graphic design. Contributing Factors-He may have trouble learning things fast. He may also have low self-esteem and doubts that he can accomplish things he is not familiar with. He also could just have a hard time remembering key, cords, and icons, and he may not be coordinated with his hands to eyes.
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